I follow a few simple quidelines when it comes to food and one of them is to choose the highest quality I can of the foods I enjoy.
My roommate found this one out the other day. She is young, on a working holiday visa from Germany and definitely a fan of chocolate. I find various wrappers around the house, usually of the sugary, milk chocolate, cornerstore variety (with very little actual chocolate in them). She was on a chocolate hunt the other night but the neighborhood corner store was closed so I handed her the remainder of a bar of Lindt 65% dark chocolate from my stash.
She walked in yesterday with her own bar in hand saying, " Wow - this stuff is amazing! I can only eat 1 or 2 squares, it's SO good! Normally I'd eat a whole chocolate bar but I only want a bit of this!"
So much for willpower and moderation. Here's to the power of pleasure.
Not only did she get more satisfaction from less, that little bit she did eat was packed with magnesium and antioxidants and lacking the additives and strangely processed milk ingredients and sweeteners of the convenience store variety. I appreciate getting some nutritional value along with some nourishing delight. Small acts add up after all.
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